Mutt'ss keys shortcuts

Mutt Command Context Effect Relevant .muttrc settings
a Sending Message Attaches a file to the message you have created none
b Sending Message Lets you edit the list of blind carbon copy recipients for the message you have created none
c Sending Message Lets you edit the list of carbon copy recipients for the message you have created none
d Main Menu, Reading Message Marks the current message for deletion none
f Main Menu, Reading Message Forwards the message to another address askbcc, askcc, edit_headers, editor
i Reading Message Returns from reading a message to the Main Menu none
j Main Menu Changes the selected message to the next message color
k Main Menu Changes the selected message to the previous message color
m Main Menu, Reading Message Creates a new message to send abort_nosubject, abort_unmodified, askbcc, askcc, edit_headers, editor, recall
mutt Command line Starts mutt beep-new, color, mark_old, move, sort
p Main Menu, Reading Message Prints the currently selected message print, print_command
q Main Menu Quits mutt delete, mark_old, mbox, move
q Sending Message Aborts or postpones the message you have created postpone, postponed
r Main Menu, Reading Message Creates a reply to the current message abort_nosubject, abort_unmodified, askbcc, askcc, edit_headers, editor, include, metoo
s Main Menu, Reading Message Saves the current message to a file folder
s Sending Message Lets you change the subject for the message you have created none
t Sending Message Lets you edit the list of recipients for the message you have created none
u Main Menu, Reading Message (messages marked for deletion only) Removes the deletion mark from the current message none
x Help Menu Returns from the help menu to the Main Menu none
y Sending Message Sends the message you have created abort_unmodified, copy, record
? Main Menu Goes from the Main Menu to the Help Menu color
- Reading Message Moves to the previous page in the message you are reading none
/ Main Menu Prompts for a pattern to search for in the headers of your messages none
= Main Menu Selects the first message color, sort
$ Main Menu Deletes all messages selected for deletion, and checks for new messages beep_new, delete, mark_old, mbox, move
* Main Menu Selects the last message color, sort
&lt number &gt Main Menu Selects message &lt number &gt color
&lt Enter &gt Main Menu Brings the currently selected message up on the screen color
&lt Space &gt Reading Message Moves to the next page in the message you are reading, or to the first page of the next message not marked for deletion none
&lt Tab &gt Main Menu Selects the next new message color
&lt Esc &gt / Main Menu Prompts for a pattern to search for in the bodies of your messages none
up/down arrow Main Menu Changes the selected message to the previous/next message color
PageUp/PageDown Main Menu, Reading Message Moves up/down one page in the Main Menu or the message you are reading none

Explanation of Chart Columns

  1. Mutt Command is a command you type in, either at your shell prompt or while mutt is running.
  2. Context is the circumstances under which you would use this command. The contexts are:
    • Command line. This is your shell prompt, with mutt not running.
    • Main Menu. This is the main Mutt menu, in which you will see a list of your messages.
    • Help Menu. This is Mutt's online help menu.
    • Reading Message. This is when you are reading a message.
    • Sending Message. This is when you have finished editing a message, and are preparing to send it.
  3. Effect gives a brief explanation of what this command will do.
  4. Tutorial Section is the section in the tutorial "Learning Mutt" with an explanation of this command.
  5. Relevant .muttrc settings lists the .muttrc settings that will affect the behaviour of this command.